About Us

Barn Warrior Strength has moved in a new direction with the same focus. We want to assist you in gaining strength. This is physical, emotional, cardiovascular, mobility, agility and nutritional strength. We are is the only training facility in the area where we not only focus on your fitness and health, but prepare you for whatever life throws your way. We aim to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness regimen. Barn Warrior Strength is happy to bring this to our community. We have been working in the health and wellness industry for years and we think you will make the fitness gains you are looking for through our facility. We love our community and want to share the good things fitness has brought to our lives.

Why the name Barn Warrior? Well we gather at the Barn. That's the simple part. Since our area has such a rich history from the Underground Railroad, Indian heritage, Women's rights, we wanted to pay tribute to our history. The one thing that was common with the history of these groups was that they were fighting for a cause, like Warriors.

Give us a call or come in to check out a class. We offer small group classes led by a certified Coach who will motivate you to perform at your best. Each class is designed to challenge you physically and mentally. We strive to bring elite fitness to all individuals, regardless of their current fitness level. Beware, we are not a globo-gym! We have no ellipticals, no smoothie bar, no mirrors, and no excuses!!! Just an intense workout designed daily to suit each individual's needs. It's not easy….you will leave each session feeling exhilarated and exhausted at the same time. So what are you waiting for!? It's time to expect more from your workout!
2139 Scipio Venice Town Line Rd.
Aurora NY 13026 (view larger map)